Hon. Bryon Wilfert


Hon. Bryon Wilfert

The Honourable Bryon Wilfert served for 26 years of elected political office both as a Municipal Councillor and as Member of Parliament. He served as Junior Minister of the Environment, as well as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and National Defence. He served as Vice President of APPECD Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Environment Conference Development) based in Korea.

Bryon holds a Master of Arts in Political Economy (U of T), Institute of Corporate Directors designation (ICD.D) (U of T – Rotman School), and holds an Accredited Municipal
Clerk and Treasurer (AMCT) in Municipal Administration from St. Lawrence College.

He was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun – Gold/Silver Star from His Imperial Majesty and the Prime Minister of Japan for his tireless work on Canada/Japan relations. He holds the Queen’s Gold and Diamond Jubilee Medals.

He is Senior Associate at Tactix Government Relations & Public Affairs in Ottawa, Vice Chairman TREG Holdings and Honorary Consul for Mongolia.